It reminded me that not only was a Gratitude List a terrific tool for self-reflection, but that NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME to write one.
Yogamint is an informational newsletter on the surface, but it is REALLY a great excuse of linking like-minded conscious souls and giving them tools and ideas to share with others. These tools are useful, inspirational, and are easily distributed and shared with others via email AND as handouts because they are printed instantly with a click of the mouse! As Yogamint grows, so does its archive of information AND its audience is growing, too. You can become part of that audience by signing up on their mailing NOW.

Today is the Winter Solstice and Hari Bhajan Khalsa, the "mother" of Yogamint, has written a little about this subject in one of the installments of Yogamint called "Winter Solstice - This Little Light of Mine.
She writes, "I always find that when I focus on three particular practices in my life - meditation, service and art - I’m able to maintain a healthier balance. Meditation provides that vital internal conversation, service engenders gratitude and connections with others, and writing (which is my art) brings joy and fulfillment. Each demands I stay present, committed, and trust that all is unfolding in a divinely ordered way."
I write, "couldn't have said it better myself."
What does the Winter Solstice mean to YOU?
Aside from being the shortest day of the year, when the sun energy is smallest and our spiritual depth is most accessible...its a wonderful time to revisit the age-old question, "How do I want to live my life?" During the holidays, people are gathering to sit around the hearth, to break bread and be with their friends and family. Celebrating. Going to great expense to entertain, exchange gifts, and prepare lavish feasts. But this time of year is the perfect time to meditate, access your self, and go within. Spend less money and give more of YOURSELF to others. Open Your Heart. Feel Gratitude.
Its the perfect time to "reckon". A DAY OF RECKONING is what I write as my Facebook status a lot these days. What this means to me is that I'm looking at my deeds and misdeeds and checking them twice. Isn't that what Santa Claus meant when he said "I'm making a list, and checking it twice"????? I'm not a believer in Santa Claus, but have you ever considered that "Santa Claus" is just another name for your own higher consciousness doing this winter solstice work for you?
All I know is that I'm trying to figure out where I am, where I'm going. How can I be happier? And Kundalini Yoga is the car I drive to get there.
This is why the gratitude list was so important to me when I read it in Yogamint today. I don't do it ON PAPER every day, but I do it every day in my heart....which, according to my dear departed father, my first teacher, is WHERE GOD DWELLS, anyway.