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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kundalini Yoga in High School

For those of you who don't know me, I teach Kundalini Yoga and Art one day a week at the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts. My class is made up of 21 very beautiful teenagers who are anywhere from 14-18 and very talented in their area of expertise, which could be Visual Arts, Dance, Theatre, or Music. This class which is called "Kundalini Yoga and the Spark of Creativity" is made up of teenagers from all these disciplines and so the class is varied in many ways. ANYWAY, we are using space that belongs to Cal State LA and so even though we have the college classroom for our use, we have to change it a little so it can become a yoga studio.

When I come to class, many of the kids are already rearranging the desks and chairs so we can spread out our yoga mats on the floor and all have enough room to move around. Other kids are busy changing into yoga clothes or getting the yoga mats that LACHSA provides for us. Last week when I came into the classroom, I found this on the blackboard.

When you're in high school, you are usually drawing obscene pictures on the blackboard or writing things like "Ms. Kintisch sucks" imagine my joy and surprise when I found this.
Kundalini Yoga affects everyone in the most wonderful ways.

Busy cutting and sewing the fabric for Kundabinis and Kundawraps today....getting lots of orders thanks to the 3HO website.
Being a part of the World Market has introduced to a lot of people and I am so grateful. I'll be sending them a check for a per centage of my earnings very soon!

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