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Monday, August 8, 2011


Have you ever felt like you were overwhelmed, going to short circuit, or incapacitated by indecision? Someone says something to you and you inappropriately react, or you bottle things up inside and explode at someone else later. Or maybe you have a problem in your life and you can't step back and see the big picture and so you make short-sited decisions that don't benefit your soul's purpose. Do any of these sound familiar? Well, if they do, you need a nervous sytem upgrade!

Our nervous system needs care in order to remain healthy and serve us well. We have so many outer influences pushing us on a daily basis, many of which make us feel powerless and confused. With the change in the age, everything is amplified now....including the speed in which information and energy travels. It's a good idea to take steps to increase the capabilities of your brain and nervous system so you can stay one step ahead of this shift.

A strong nervous system will help you avoid "freaking out" when everyone else seems to be. You can, with your neutral mind and strong nerves, help others to help themselves. We can be the leaders and teachers that point the way to a peaceful and stress-free existence, instead of jumping ship. We can increase the generation of new brain cells through yogic exercise and meditation and reverse the natural loss of brain cells that occurs as we age. The nervous system and the glandular system work together to re-pattern the brain chemistry through the hypothalamus, the intermediary gland that is the master of the body-mind connection.

In my own life, I am experiencing tremendous change and external pressures and I am calling upon the fortitude of my nervous system through the practice of yoga sets designed to boost my "wattage" to support me during these challenging times. I am also working on strengthening my glandular system so that external stress will not cause internal stress and dis-ease. Meditating on expanding my aura and my radiance is helping to keep me "kept up" and protects me from illness, negative influences, and feeling run down or discouraged by the obstacles, challenges, and difficulties I encounter from day to day. Radiance gives you that all or nothing attitude and a strong aura will attract the positive and repel the negative as well as keep me in a position of security and confidence.

That's why I decided to teach this workshop. Since my teacher Harijiwan has said (and I paraphrase) "teach the class you want to take", I aimed to provide such a class for others. Even though as a teacher, I have taught these sets and meditations separately in my classes, they are especially powerful and effective when put together in this workshop format.

I hope you'll join me on Saturday, September 3 at 2:00-5:00 at Golden Bridge to boost your central nervous system, glandular system, radiant body; everything you need to be ready for YOUR future with powerful pranayam, exercise, meditation, information and FUN!

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