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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Coming Out at the White Tantric Bazaar

YES!!!!! The cotton/hemp jersey Kundabinis and Kundawraps are here...and I'm working
on yogic-appropriate colors so that by Summer Solstice I'll have an array of fantastic new
head coverings available.  

White Tantric last weekend...intense and amazing. I think I'm feeling
it more AFTERWARDS than ever before.  At the BAZAAR, I introduced the line to the Kundalini Community with a very positive response.  I learned what you all wanted and now i can go back into my workshop and make it happen!  The best bit of news is that the bags
were very well received.  After much tweaking and obsessing, I have a bag which is strong, large and very beautiful.  My main concern was making it comfortable to carry and extremely useful and I think I've achieved that. Everyone seems to think so, too!

The Kundalift was a big hit, too.  I've figured out a way to make a "firmer support" that is now available for those of you who don't want such a soft cushion.  (I do, but I'm not everybody!)  Everything is moving forward with  I'm working on a lunar calendar, t-shirts and other simple and white yogic clothing, and I'll soon be starting to work on my altar supplies idea.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Also, very important, is the Kunda-links page. If you are reading this and you have a product or service you'd like me to link to, bring it on!  Let me know about it so you can be included. 

Spring is here!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


This is one of  the many reasons I love living in Los Angeles.  You can drive down the street in the middle of the city and right in front of you is a flatbed truck toting bales of hay. This photo was taken with my  iphone which has become my favorite tool for recording the wonders of life!  
Well, i haven't written in a month and so much has happened so I don't know exactly where to begin.  Last weekend, I taught a Kundalini Yoga Prosperity Workshop at the Crystal Matrix on Accessing Creativity.  It's a subject near and dear to my heart! The second chakra is "CREATIVITY CENTRAL" and we did a kriya to balance it as well as meditations to take ideas to completion and to get the creative juices flowing.  My Kriya of the Moment is the Surya Kriya, a set to get the sun energy moving and it was a perfect set to teach because of all the second chakra balancing  and activation going on!  My life has become supersonically creatively charged lately and so I want to get everyone turned on to the power of these meditations...

In the Yoga Classes I've been teaching lately,  there's been a lot of Ra Ma Da Sa-ing going on. This healing meditation is wonderful for sending healing energy to others as well as activating and strengthening our own healing abilities.

I'm busy getting ready for the White Tantric Yoga "Bazaar".  I am going to have a table there and introduce the Kundalini World to the Kundalink Experience!  There's so much to do, so much to sew!  I think its the perfect venue for exposure...  and speaking about exposure,  can you just faint from the smell of roses and jasmine and citrus in the L.A. air????? I'm amazed I can walk straight. So, I am happy to be here, enjoying the spring, enjoying the creativity that
spring brings, and loving the wonderful people and experiences that Kundalini Yoga has brought into my life.

Life is good.....  
