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Tuesday, July 10, 2012


THANK YOU ALL for participating in the Living the Life Creative Workshop at Golden Bridge on Sunday.  It was great to share the teachings with you.... and to guide you through a journey of accessing your creative flow and linking it with the cosmic flow so that you can experience the CREATIVE and expanded YOU.

As promised I am posting some of the meditations and kriyas that we did so that you can practice these teachings on your own. 

Before you do any Kundalini yoga or these meditations/kriyas, it is essential that you tune in with the Adi Mantra: "Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo". This will provide you with a protective link between you and the consciousness of the divine teacher, the Master of Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan as well as all the teachers before him. ONG is the infinite creative energy (which we chanted in the workshop) experienced in action.  NAMO implies reverent together ONG NAMO means "I call on the infinite creative consciousness". This opens you up to the cosmic flow which guides all action. GURU is the embodiment of the wisdom you are seeking..the one who takes us from darkness to the light. DEV means divine or the subtle realms.  NAMO repeated again infers reverence of the student to the teacher.   So in total, it means "I bow to the teacher within", or "I call on the great divine wisdom as I humbly bow".

The Kundalini Energy is your creative potential. The creative flow is the expression of your SOUL.  It is the cosmic flow that unites your finite selves with the infinite, the great beyond.  The creative flow is the purpose of life. Anyone can be creative, but only individuals who apply self-discipline will take it the extra mile.  Self Discipline creates extraordinary individuals out of ordinary ones.  It builds character, excellence, and humility.  Great rewards come from consistent, ernest, and regular practice.  This is true in all fields as well as in your yoga practice. A daily sadhana is essential the key ingredient in achieving mastery.

A creative person has a conviction that they have something unique to offer the world...a person with a certain faculty that he/she is destined to use for the service of others.

"You feel happy when you can give something. When you give yourself discipline and your discipline gives hope to somebody, therein lies real happiness". - Yogi Bhajan

Your mind is here to serve your SOUL. So...If you want to access your creative flow, the key ingredient is CONTROLLING THE MIND.  When the mind and the soul are in alignment, you are able to create a fulfilling life for yourself and bring creativity into EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of your life....and share the flow of this beautiful universal life force with all.

If you would like additional information, you can email me at or comment in the box below.  The FOR CREATIVITY set is from Physical Wisdom, illustrated and compiled by Harijot Kaur Khalsa and published by KRI and the TWO MEDITATIONS are from THE MIND, by Yogi Bhajan, published by KRI.

Sat Nam,

Monday, July 2, 2012

Living the Life Creative

You don’t have to be an artist to have a creative life. 
When I got out of art school, I thought life was divided into two parts: the working life to pay the bills, and the artistic life to feed the soul.  At that time, I didn’t have a clue about how one’s attitude and “altitude” could allow you to be completely creative in and out of studio and how every second of every day could feed your soul.
Everyone WANTS to live up to their potential...or at least they say they do.  We walk around with so many fears and imagined limitations, inner anger, and old non-productive stories; some of which we aren’t even aware.  These get in the way of our excellence and our creative flow.  Many of us have a negative mantra or two looped in our heads... “I’m not good enough”, ”I can’t”, or “why bother?” are some examples that just keep us stuck in a rut. What are YOU saying to yourself that’s keeping you from being the best you can be? NOW IS THE TIME TO STOP THE SELF-SABOTAGE.  And to make matters worse, we even seek the company of others who, through endless commiseration, keep us from improving our situations.
As Kundalini yogis, we are encouraged to UPLIFT AND ELEVATE others...not sit around and wallow in our stories.   That’s because we have the technology to rise above these misfortunes and obstacles through mantra, meditation, and yoga.  Our self-discipline keeps us out of trouble and gives us the strength to help others.
When you write, count beans, study, play music, think, make “art”, meditate, cook, garden, do sports, heal, teach, or whatever it is that you are there to practice your craft.  You might have an argument with yourself about it beforehand, but you will eventually show up and practice. How do you get to Carnegie Hall?  Practice, practice, practice.  That’s right...the secret to YOUR success in anything you do is PRACTICE.  
Through practice, or self-discipline as we’ll now call it, you can take yourself from average to sensational in a relatively short amount of time. Since I’m a yogi, I have experienced the effect of that discipline on one’s well-being and how it gives you strength and power, self confidence, and projection.  Meditation and a regular spiritual practice can give you the grace and altitude you need to navigate the challenges of the world today.  And it connects you to your higher self, your cosmic flow; your SAT NAM so that everything you do is infused with the creative flow that is the Kundalini energy itself.
When you live your life with the creative flow activated in you, it doesn’t matter WHAT you do, you are living a conscious life. You can have a more positive effect on others by flipping greasy hamburgers in higher consciousness than if you feed beautiful vegetarian food to others with a bitter and angry heart.  You can be a creative accountant, lawyer, stockbroker in the same way you can be a creative artist or musician.  WHAT you do is just a vehicle for the cosmic flow.
I noticed that when I taught Kundalini yoga, I had the same feeling as when I made art.  This was a a big AH-HA moment.
The cosmic flow will come through you as a result of discipline and consistency.  In much the same way that a violinist will become a more proficient and talented musician through practice and rehearsal,  you can become a more balanced, energized, focused, and compassionate person through yoga and meditation.  In the same way a top athlete can transform themself into a champion through effective coaching and practice, you can become a saint through the guidance of your teacher and the discipline of a daily sadhana.
Sat Nam,
