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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What are YOU doing on January 27th at 7:00pm?

Sat Nam Everyone,

I am writing today to tell you about the upcoming Teachers Training in Santa Monica with Harijiwan, Erin, and Tej. My teacher, Harijiwan, holds what I feel is the most powerful, instructive, and transformative Kundalini Yoga Teachers Training around. It starts January 27 and is being held in the Marina International Hotel; a very intimate and comfortable space to spend these eight intense yet enjoyable weekends together. I'm going to be there for the fifth time around...because I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world.

When I took the training for the first time, I had no intention of becoming a teacher of Kundalini Yoga. I thought it would be great way to deepen my practice and to hang out with other like-minded individuals. I was going through some difficult things in my life and I felt that taking the course would help me cope... and give me the tools to improve my life. WOW! I was not expecting the tremendous shift and expansion that ensued! In one of our last weekends, when we actually had to teach a yoga class for ourselves, I felt as if I was Cinderella slipping on that crazy glass slipper! As you all know, I have been teaching ever since that day. Many other people take the course and don't end up teaching...but they just improve their lives, like themselves better, have more energy, and enhance their relationships at home, at work, and in the world at large!

When you start the course, maybe you have no energy and you want to get some or maybe you have too much energy and and you're not good at managing it. You'll emerge from the course with a clear understanding of how to get it when you want it and how to use it so that it works for you. After just a few weekends, you'll begin dropping the emotional garbage that you've been carrying around with you for what seems like forever. A by-product of this is that start living your life without the burden of this subconscious chatter. It's BLISS, plain and simple. That's why I like to think of this training as the best Energy Management and Bullshit Reduction course out there!

If you would like to know more about it, please feel free to write to me at , call Erin directly at 310-392-3638, and/or visit the website

I really hope you'll consider taking this on. It changed my life in ways I cannot even begin to explain here, but suffice it to say that I have never been happier in my 57 years and I owe it to the Teachers Training. It got the ball rolling in the RIGHT DIRECTION.

I'm going to take it again this year because it's just that good.....and it keeps getting better and better.

See you there!
Raghubir Kaur
