Today in the Kundalini Yoga Bootcamp, we worked on the Meditative Mind or as it's also known, the Neutral Mind. It was a powerful lesson on what TRUE STRENGTH is...and I feel its important enough talk about it in Blogalini.
In yogic terms, we have Ten Bodies; one being physical and six being energetic. There are also three mental bodies; the Negative Mind, the Positive Mind and the Neutral (or Meditative) Mind. It's sometimes easier to understand if you think of the Positive Mind as the PROJECTIVE Mind and the Negative Mind as the PROTECTIVE Mind. When the Positive/Projective Mind works in tandem with the Negative/Protective Mind, a balance is achieved and that balance is the NEUTRAL or MEDITATIVE MIND.
Plain and simple: the positive mind shows you what the gain is in any given situation. It gives you the impetus to move forward. The negative mind is protective; it shows you what is not "right" about a situation and gives you caution. Too much or too little of either of these creates IMBALANCE. And when they are working together, you have BALANCE.
The state of grace that IS the Meditative Mind space is what Yogi Bhajan called the "cup of prayer". We all can assume that the positive mind would be the glass half-full while the negative mind would be the glass half-empty. The glass would be FULL and OVERFLOWING in the Neutral/Meditative Mind...and this overflowing cup extends out from you and affects everyone you know and everything you do.
Guru Ram Das, the 4th Sikh Guru and "Lord of Miracles" resides in this Meditative Mind Space which, not coincidentally, is the Realm of the Heart. So when you are residing in this Meditative Mind, you are also living in the Heart which is just about the nicest place you can
In this location of great heart energy and the balanced mind, one can really being to interact with people. You can give and accept criticism without feeling bad, guilty, angry, or hurt. You are a great listener. You actually HEAR what people say. People can feel your equanimity and they "catch it" like a cold. You begin to drop some of your demoting subconscious patterns that are on continuous replay and you become more of who you really are. You can actually turn off that inner negative chatter that gets in the way of your success. Your life goes on but your perspective is different; you are able to see the big picture and make better choices because you can see everything from a more elevated place. And things just don't bother you as much. What a great place to be!!!
How do you get to this location? MEDITATE. The yogis say "Japa makes tapa". Japa is repetition of mantra or meditation and Tapa is psychic heat. The psychic heat BURNS away karma and cleans things up for you.
Meditation is like emptying the trash. Your subconscious mind is always ON and if you don't have a way to clear out the garbage, its going to start to stink...just like an overflowing trash can. How many times have you passed one of those and thought, I'll just empty it later...and then it smells so bad, you don't have a choice. We don't want our subconscious minds to get to that point because it literally overflows into our conscious minds and then we stand the chance of losing control of our internal balance. So this is a very simplified explanation of what meditation is: It's emptying the trash of the Subconscious Mind.
Meditation actually has some measurable health benefits besides making you feel good and balanced; it lowers blood pressure, reduces the chance of heart attacks and stress related illnesses. It also makes you less reactive and easier to get along with. And with a Meditative Mind and Open Heart Energy, there's nothing in this world that won't come to you at this beautiful location.