Have you ever wondered what a 40 day Kundalini Yoga Bootcamp would be like? Well, now is your chance to find out! Jai Gopal and I are going to hold the 40-day Bootcamp at Heartbeat House which is in the middle of Atwater Village (and where I normally hold the Rise and Shine early morning classes Mon-Wed-Fri at 6:15 am and the Sunday 9:15 am class.) It starts on March 21 and runs through to April 29 and promises to be an off-the-chart experience.
A 40 day bootcamp is an opportunity to tap into yourself and bring out the best of what you have to offer and to tap into the group energy to push you forward to the next level of excellence. Even though its a “bootcamp”, its not your typical early morning sweat-fest. Yes, you will learn about the basics of Kundalini Yoga and yes, you will do lots of yoga, but most importantly, you will make quantum changes in your life that allow you to be the best YOU there is.
The classes are structured to inspire self-discipline and focus which allow you to become more effective, clear and creative. If you find yourself repeating the same habitual patterns and falling short of your goals, or if you are fine with the way things are and you just want to make things better, this 40-day technology will bring you to a new level of productivity, vitality, and health.
The hardest part might just be the first day. But after you see how good you feel, you’ll find yourself looking forward to rising early and starting your day with a JOLT of your own energy and self-initiated power. It is ideal to do the 40 days uninterrupted, but you will benefit even if you drop in a few days a week. Some students can only join in part time, but they STILL benefit tremendously. The overriding purpose of the program is to give you the tools necessary to set a foundation of practice that’s right for you.
Whatever is holding you back or whatever you perceive is standing in your way can vanish with the momentum generated in the group. Kundalini Yoga Bootcamp was designed to help connect you to your deep inner flow so that you can use more of that infinite YOU...
For those of you who have class passes for the Rise and Shine morning classes, your pass will be suspended until April 29 because of the 40-day program, but it will pick up again after 4/29. You can drop in ($15) or purchase a pass for 10, 20, 30, 40 classes and they don't have to be consecutive days.
*Early Bird Commitment special: $389 for 40 Days – click here for details.
40 Days: $425 for all 40 Days
30 Day Pass: $345
20 Day Pass: $250
10 Day Pass: $135
For more information or to SIGN UP http://kundaliniyogabootcamp.com/