I've been very busy with getting a new fabricator for the bags and designing new products which has the wheels in my head turning. When you find the right person to work with, it is very inspiring. Did you know that there was a Decorative Arts district in Los Angeles? I didn't! Its on Slauson off the 110. That's where I've been hanging out this week.
I was on line at the post office last week and there was a young woman with a fantastic shoulder bag.....it was made out of laminated fabric. BINGO... I thought, well, my fabric would look so amazing laminated, so I'm coming out with a laminated version/different fabric of the bag for Winter Solstice! These yogic gatherings are like trade shows because you have to come up with something new and different. I'm also going to take it to the next level and try to get into yoga studios, etc. now that i've put together a wholesale price list and figured out how to make everything with integrity and still be cost effective. Its such a learning curve! YAY KUNDALINK
I can't believe that last year at this time, I was in India. My cronies are going again this year but I have to stay at home and keep everything running. Also, this year I am producing a calendar, tee shirts and mandalas which I hope to have at W.S. and of course on the website. www.kundalink.com I put the company on the World Market on the 3HO website. I'll be giving a portion of the earnings to them....and well worth it from a business standpoint.....ever since I've been on it, i've been getting more and more orders! I guess this marketing stuff really works.
I just came back from the sewing machine repair place to clean up my serger because I'm making kundabinis for christmas!!!!!!! You can order many things on the website other than headcoverings and bags....check it out!